Car Accident Attorney Fees – Carabin Shaw Attorneys

Car accident attorneys play vital roles in making certain that victims of automobile accidents receive compensation for injuries and damages resulting from the actions of others. Without the services provided by these attorneys, many victims would be left with very little or no funds to deal with the damages and injuries of those accidents. Recent statistics from the NHTSA have reported a decline in car accidents. Accident attorneys have contributed to the present decline.

However, many individuals decide to not consult automobile accident lawyers due to monetary issues.

The contingency plan is the most common method for paying attorney fees in an accident case. This arrangement is thought as “no win no charge.” The attorney is paid only if they win the case. Thus, an automobile accident victim does not need to worry about the attorney’s fees.

However, before a car accident attorney will take your case on a contingency basis, he or she will weigh the possibilities of winning the case. Once a case has been settled, the attorney can deduct a pre-agreed percentage for their fee. The percentage varies from 30-50%. Before agreeing to a contingency arrangement, it is important to be clear on the terms of the agreement. For example, some automobile accident attorneys deduct their share from the settlement, deduct court prices and provide the remaining to their client. Others may deduct court prices first before taking their own share and the remainder goes to the client.

Contingency plans are the preferred method of paying accident attorney’s fees. Fortunately accident victims can take take advantage of this arrangement since most attorneys work on a contingency basis. More on this website

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